The Church at Wentworth

Due to the increased Catholic population of the Bluff, the size of the suburb and the shortcoming in transport, Catholics living in the Wentworth Area found it difficult to get either to the mission church or the Fynnland church. To alleviate the situation arrangements were made for mass to be said at the Assegai Shellhole, Wentworth on a Sunday Morning.

In 1970 land was purchased at Wentworth with a view to building a Church to serve the Wentworth Community.

In 1975, due to a decision to form one mass centre serving the entire Bluff, the land was sold.


Message from Cardinal Napier   |    Message from Fr Stuart Bate OMI   |    Forward: Professor Joy Brain   |   Introduction   |   A history of the St Francis Mission   |    Establishment of the Church at Fynnland   |    The Church at Wentworth    |     Centralisation of St Francis Xavier and Building of the New Church    |    The Building of the Parish Hall   |    The Building of the New Presbytery    |    The Building of the Wall of Remembrance    |     The Architectural meaning of the New Church   |    Your Church in Rhyme by Fr Andy Slowey    |    The Human Contribution to the Growth of the Parish    |    Groups and Organisations that have contributed to the Parish    |     Current Groups within the Parish    |     Local Vocations    |     Awards and Recognition    |     An Armchair tour of the Parish    |    The Shrine to Our Lady of Natal    |    Landholdings of the Catholic Church on the Bluff    |     A Portrait of the Life and Times of St Francis Xavier    |     Picture Gallery    |     Timeline of incidents of the Bluff Parish

