Liturgy Committee
Leader: Deacon Malcolm
Meet: Tuesdays three times a year 7.00 pm in parish office
Activity: Plan and prepare Sunday Masses & liturgical celebrations.
General Choir
Choirmaster: Brian Blumfield
Meet: Practice every Wednesday 7:15 pm in church (for major feasts)
Folk Choir
Leader: Bernadette Regnard
Meet: Practice every Thursday 7:00 pm in church
Flower Arranging
Contact: Betty Williams (031 467 8919 / 083 6977 037)
Contact: Father Mike
Co-Ordinators: Brian & Beverley Beard (031 4663984 / 082 4959202)
Ministers of Communion
Contact: Father Mike
Co-ordinator: Alvin Nunn (082 905 4990)
Meet: Twice a year
Altar Servers
Co-ordinator: Deacon Malcolm
Meet: Practices for major feasts
Ministers of Hospitality
Co-ordinator: Gerald Horstman (031 466 2596)
Activity: Welcome people at church entrance
Co-ordinator: Corrine Ramdhani (031 467 7944 / 082 453 8689)
Contact: Father Mike
Duty Roster: Pat Vickers (Parish Secretary – 031 467 0524)
Meet: Twice a year
St. Monica’s Parents Prayer Group
Contact: Charmaine Emmanuel (031 466 5254 / 083 2320 969)
Meet: Every Tuesday 8:00 am to 9:00 am for prayer in church.
Prayer Circle
Contact: Jeannette Nicholson (031 467 7658 / 083 5245 619)
Activity: Co-ordinates weekly telephone prayer chain
Hymn Book Committee
Co-ordinator: Maria O’ Connor (0834881990 )
Meet: Regularly
Activity: Care for hymn books in the benches
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